This Week: The Lost Man (1971); artist: Jerzy Treutler
Ed Says: In the beginning I focused on interesting images for American films I'd seen. In lieu of running uninteresting images, I've recently started running any interesting image for an American film, whether I've even heard of the film or not. Soon, the films may not even be American any more. But by God, they'll still be Polish posters!
I really dig the polish posters.
Soon, the films may not even be American any more.
Push the envelope, Ed. Goddammit, push the envelope!
that's a great poster! i love the way it looks, it's very intriguing.
I'm getting the feeling that free wireless from your neighbor went away.
Jonathan: Well, it has been fading in and out recently, but I can't really blame my lack of activity recently on that alone. I've got three midterms next week, turned in a paper today and one last week, and have been going through tremendous personal turmoil of late. But I feel like I've rarely made promises on the blog: I've only ever delivered what I could, when I could, and that's not going to change.
I hope you didn't think I was demanding more or anything because I didn't want to give that impression. If so, I apologize.
Jonathan: 'Course not, JL.
Wow. That poster is badass.
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